The Difference Between a Shrine And a Parish

A faithful parishioner and now Shrine-goer asked me to write something on the difference between a shrine and a parish. I have been thinking and praying about that question. The first thing that comes to mind is that it depends on the shrine. They each have a unique personality, so to speak, depending on their circumstances and mission. Holy Rosary Shrine, being a former parish, will retain some resemblances to a parish but now also has a universal mission to whatever pilgrims may come here for spiritual nourishment.

Shrines have liturgies and events that promote various devotions. Providentially, Corpus Christi Parish, had many such events and feasts that will now continue. Our hope is to make them even more focused on evangelization, especially through Our Lady of Holy Rosary. She is the Star of the New Evangelization. We strongly desire to make our liturgies even more beautiful and reverent. This is at the heart of the mission of a shrine.

Shrines also make the Sacraments more available to the people. That is why one of the first things we have done is expand the hours for confession, and I have already seen much good fruit from this. The Holy Spirit, with His Spouse the Blessed Virgin, is working powerfully in the lives of many people despite the abundance of negative news that we so often hear.

Shrines do not normally do faith formation, like a parish would, since they do not have a territory of their own. Our Shrine has permission to do Baptisms, weddings, funerals and RCIA, which is Christian Initiation for adults. We can also have a First Communion Mass and a Confirmation Mass or ceremony for shrine families even though the formation may be done elsewhere.

Some proposals that are being explored to strengthen our identity as a shrine include using the lower church space for a beautiful daily Mass chapel, displays on the Holy Rosary and the history and devotions of each of our different ethnic communities, and a small store to sell Bibles, spiritual books, rosaries etc.. We are also considering ways to make the Shrine Center more youth friendly, without losing its present functions that are so important. Lastly, we are exploring ideas about how we can serve the poor which is also an important part of a shrine’s identity, as St. John Paul II has pointed out.

I ask all the Shrine community to please pray the Holy Rosary daily, asking Our Blessed Mother to guide all of our efforts to build up the Kingdom of her Son. We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions. Thank you again to so many have been so welcoming and encouraging to us friars as we begin our mission here. Thank you also to those who have offered to volunteer to serve the Shrine. I am making a list and intend to take you up on your offers. May the Good Lord reward you and bless you greatly!

Fr. Peter