The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality

The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality

(To Jesus through his mother Mary)

The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality of Holy Rosary Shrine was started in 1929, adopting rules from an affiliation with the Sodality Secretariate in Rome. For many years membership was limited to unmarried women. The women showed their devotion to the Blessed Mother by attending Mass on her feast days, through prayer, by visiting the sick and by attending meetings and retreats. They held many social functions as well, such as plays, musicals, Lenten Teas, and even bean suppers. Although the emphasis was on spiritual growth, members also raised money to support the Parish as well as other community organizations.

Our Lady

Our Lady. This Photo was taken by Wolfgang Moroder. Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

Today, Sodalists include both unmarried and married women who still strive to reflect our Blessed Mother’s virtues in their daily lives and to perform good works. Our designated Sodality Masses generally take place on the second Saturday of the month and include the prayerful recitation of the rosary. There are 4 -5 meetings each year on Saturday afternoons prior to the 4:00 P.M. Mass.

The Sodality participates in events such as the celebration of the feast of Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Rosary on October 7th and the crowning of the Blessed Mother which will take place this year on May 1st at the 9:00 AM Mass.

Do you have a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary? What better way to honor our Blessed Mother than to join this Sodality at Holy Rosary Shrine. We welcome new members and all women who are Shrine attendees are invited to join and participate.

We would love to hear from you. If you wish to join or have any questions, please contact

Josie Paolino