Thank-you Notes for the Shrine Fair Success

Wayne Pickles and wife Connie

Our 2024 shrine fair was a huge success thanks to the help of so many hard-working, caring and generous people who provided more support that I could have ever imagined. To see everybody working so hard before and during the fair brought great joy and great appreciation to my heart. I humbly thank-you all. I apologize for not naming everyone who helped, but there were so many workers that I may unknowingly omit some names, which would be a great disservice.

I am actually beyond words because of the overwhelming response for the request for help that I received. So many volunteers worked countless hours before, during and after the fair. They worked in hot weather and sometimes on rainy nights collecting items for the fair without any complaints.

Without the help from all who worked so hard to put the fair together and who tirelessly worked at all the tables, I would not have been able to do it. No complaints, just miles of smiles on all our incredible workers, even though they were beyond exhausted.

As we all know, preparation for the fair begins weeks, sometimes months in advance, and all volunteers worked tirelessly and patiently to make the fair highly successful. This year, we added the basket raffle to our fair agenda. Going into this blindly, we assembled a committee of several dedicated and determined volunteers who hit the ground running looking for donations of gift cards, merchandise and baskets. Their enthusiasm was contagious, and the end result was unbelievably stunning!

Our super committee put together a lovely display of baskets and other prizes, and our raffle was more successful than we ever anticipated. I would like to personally thank each and every person who helped. Many came back on Labor Day to assist with the clean up as well, and I am so appreciative of everyone’s efforts and response.

I would also like to thank our wonderful Franciscans who so patiently and humbly put up with all the confusion and constant use of the shrine center.

My wife and I are beyond blessed to have such a beautiful, warm and supportive shrine community, and we look forward to doing it again next year. The plans are already in the works! ~Wayne Pickles

In appreciation: The St. Rita Sodality will always be there to serve the needs of Holy Rosary Shrine. Thank you to all those who donated a variety of baked pastry and money donations for our bakery sale. Thank you too for the volunteers who catered to selling and all of you who purchased the goodies.

In Gratitude: Thank you for all your donations of toys, children’s books, candies … Thank you to all the volunteers and to all who purchased the merchandise. ~Audrey Feliciano and Anita Sapienza