Spiritual Warfare Weekend

Icon protection cross in a shield

The Archdiocese of Boston has asked all the Shrines to be part the Church’s response to the upcoming satanic conference in Boston from April 28 through the 30th.

  • Eucharistic Adoration
    From 10:00am Friday 4/28 through closing Benediction at 9:30am Sunday 4/30, except during Masses.
  • Mass Services
    12:05pm Friday-English
    9:00am Saturday-Novus Ordo Latin
    4:00pm Saturday-English
    10:00am Sunday-English
    12:00pm Sunday-Spanish
  • Rosary (English)
    English, Friday 6:00pm
    Saturday 3:15pm
    Sunday 9:00am;
  • Santo Rosario (Español)
    Friday 9:00pm
    Saturday 12:00pm
    Sunday 11:30am
  • Divine Mercy Chaplet
    Spanish, Friday 3:00pm
    English, Saturday 3:00pm
  • Spanish Holy Hour With Music: Friday: 7:00 – 8:00pm
  • Talk on Spiritual Warfare
    English Saturday following the 4:00pm Mass
    Spanish, Sunday following the 12:00pm Mass
  • Litany of St. Joseph/ Prayer to Bl. Bartolo Longo
    Spanish, Friday following Mass
    English, Saturday following the 9:00am Mass
  • Confessions
    Friday: 10:00am – 3:00pm except during Mass
    Saturday: 10:ooam – 3:45pm

Fr. Peter

icon cross