Message to All Members of the Holy Rosary Shrine Community


News travels fast these days, so you have probably heard that we have eliminated the position of secretary/receptionist at the Shrine Center. The reason for this is mainly financial. The bulletin this week gives a report of our current situation. It would be helpful to read the comments about that report before proceeding with this message. They explain our projected deficit and the work that needs to be done on our facilities.

Employee salaries and benefits are by far the largest recurring expenses that we have. The $25,000 line item for clergy stipends and benefits is mainly for rent for the four Franciscans living in an apartment, and for stipends for visiting priests. Thanks be to God, we have found a less expensive place to live and will be moving soon.

The Shrine community is so blessed with many dedicated, generous and faith-filled people. I am very hopeful and excited about our future and trust that, through Our Blessed Mother’s prayers, the Good Lord will provide for whatever challenges may come. At the same time, it is important to use our resources wisely.

These coming weeks will be a time of transition as we reorganize the office to ensure that all of the necessary services are provided. The former secretary-duties will be covered by a combination of the Business and Operations Manager, the Franciscans and volunteers. A similar change occurred last winter with custodial work and that has gone very well. Thank you again to all those who volunteer to help with the needs of the Shrine.

Picture of Ivette Chakar

I would also like to publicly thank Ivette Chakar for her many years of service to the Holy Rosary Church community. May Jesus bless her greatly.

I hope to schedule an open meeting in October to discuss any questions people may have.

Peace and blessings to all.

Fr. Peter