Mass Intentions – September 10th to September 18th, 2022

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Mass Intentions

Saturday, September 10

9:00am Blessed Virgin Mary
4:00pm For all the family of the Holy Rosary Shrine – St. Rita’s Sodality; Holy Name Society; Carmina Sacchetti, Anniv.; Fiorenzo & Robert Sacchetti, Steven Balsamo, Anniv.; Daniel ‘Dany’ Pierro;
Eva Marino, 1st Anniv.; Anthony J. Volonino, Jr., Birthday Rem.; Vincenzo Bruzzese, Birthday Rem.; Domenic Bruzzese; Amy E. Giarrusso; Thomas & Elena Napolitano; In Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, FFR

Sunday, September 11

10:00am Marie Pappalardo & all the Victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks; Maria Padykula; Stacia Bajgrowicz; Doris Constantino; Janina Gozy; In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony, FFR; Jeremi Chylinski & Irena Chylinski
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Hermanos Frias Cazares; Camelia Vargas; Melania Gomez Valdez; Josefina Tavarez

Monday, September 12

The Most Holy Name of Mary
12:05pm Priest’s Intentions

Tuesday, September 13

12:05pm Petrina ‘Pat’ Cirincione, 19th Anniversary

Wednesday, September 14

12:05pm Priest’s Intentions

Thursday, September 15

Our Lady of Sorrows
7:00pm Spanish Mass

Friday, September 16

12:05pm Salvatore Pauta, 100th Anniversary

Saturday, September 17

9:00am Blessed Virgin Mary
4:00pm For all the family of the Holy Rosary Shrine – Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality; Grace Ciofolo, Anniv.; Gilbert DeBurro, Birthday Remem.

Sunday, September 18

10:00am For all the family of the Holy Rosary Shrine – In Honor of the Holy Ghost; Marie Sacchetti; Abel Tavares
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Hermanos Frias Cazares Camelia Vargas;