Mass Intentions – March 26th to April 3rd, 2022

Mass Intentions, from March 26th to April 3rd, 2022

Saturday, March 26th

4:00pm Mario Giarrusso, Linda A Bellia Hartley (24th anniv.), Grace Ciofolo (Birthday), Richard Ferguson. In thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity.

Sunday, March 27th

Fourth Sunday of Lent
9:00am Luigi & Sr. Liberata Iacovella
10:30am Czeslawa & Heronim Abramczyk
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Priest’s intentions

Monday, March 28th

12:05pm Priest’s Intentions

Tuesday, March 29th

12:05pm Priest’s Intentions

Wednesday, March 30th

12:05pm Priest’s Intentions

Thursday, March 31st

6:00pm VIA CRUCIS Spanish
7:00pm Spanish Mass

Friday, April 1st

12:05pm Priest’s Intentions
7:00pm No Stations of the Cross – BVM Sodality

Saturday, April 2nd

4:00pm Angela Blatti, St. Rita Sodality, In Thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity

Sunday, April 3rd

Fifth Sunday of Lent
9:00am Louis & Connie Loffredo (Birthday Remb.)
10:30am Priest’s Intentions
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Priest’s Intentions

Sanctuary Lamps

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the Blessed Sacrament Altar this week at the Holy Rosary Shrine, In Memory of Richard Ferguson. Upper Level Church.