Mass Intentions – March 12th to March 20th, 2022

Mass Intentions from March 12th to March 20th, 2022

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Saturday, March 12

4:00pm Holy Name Society, Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, Manuel J. Quintal, In thanksgiving to The Holy Trinity, Grace & Charles Torrisi & family, Steve Balsamo (Birthday), In thanksgiving to St. Anthony (F.F.R.), In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Fatima (F.F.R.), Bill Giarrusso (Birthday), Thomas & Helena Napolitano & deceased family, David and Elaine Pickles and deceased family, John & Nellie Higgins & Pamela Higgins Daveta, Constance Girgenti and deceased family, William J. & Mary E. Miller

Sunday, March 13

Second Sunday of Lent
Daylight Saving Time Begins
9:00am Linda A. Buonanno (2nd Anniv.)
10:30am For all the Holy Rosary Shrine family, Tadeusz Chylinski (Birthday rem.)
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Esterdina Bueno, Luisa Encarnacion, Thelma Lima, Carmen Jimenez, Enedina Fernandez, Luz Maria Fernandez

Monday, March 14

12:05pm Priest’s intention

Tuesday, March 15

12:05pm Priest’s intention

Wednesday, March 16

12:05pm Priest’s intention

Thursday, March 17

St. Patrick
NO 12:05 MASS
6:00pm VIA CRUCIS-Spanish
7:00pm Spanish Mass- All Welcome

Friday, March 18

St. Cyril of Jerusalem
12:05pm Priest’s intention
7:00pm Spanish Mass- In honor of St. Joseph
7:00pm Stations of the Cross

Saturday, March 19

St. Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12:05pm In honor of St. Joseph
4:00pm Phillip, Kenneth & Roger Hodgdon and deceased family, In thanksgiving to St. Joseph (F.F.R.), The Holy Trinity

Sunday, March 20

Third Sunday of Lent
9:00am Carmelo Di Marca, Anthony Campagna
10:30am Jozef Klisiewicz (Anniv.), Manuel Andrade, Antonio DeAndrade
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Rafael & Anacleto Parra

Sanctuary Lamps

Upper Church – Edith (Entwistle) Brosco