Mass Intentions – June11th to June 19th, 2022

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Mass Intentions

Saturday, June 11th

3:30pm B.V.M. Sodality will recite the rosary before Mass
4:00pm Holy Name Society, Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, Gen Gangi (Birthday rem.), Carmela & Charles DiStefano, Lois Hodgdon Crane & deceased family, Carmela & Alfio Torrisi & family, Joh Dadducci & Antonio Ferrara (Father’s Day rem.), Vincent Bolis (Father’s Day rem.), Daniel “Dany” Pierro, In thanksgiving to the Holy Spirit (F.F.R.), In thanksgiving to the Holy Family (F.F.R.), In thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (F.F.R.), Mary H. Paolino (Birthday rem.), John J. Milone (Father’s Day rem.), James Rand, William J. Miller & Mary E. Miller (Birthday)

The Most Holy Trinity, Sunday, June 12th

9:00am Luigi Iacovella & Sister Liderata Iacovella
10:30am For all the Holy Rosary Shrine family, Wladyslawa Mroczko
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Hermanos Frias Cazares

Monday, June 13, St. Anthony of Padua

12:05pm Rose Perry

Tuesday, June 14th Flag Day

12:05pm Charles Rimas

Wednesday, June 15th

12:05pm Thomas Napolitano (Birthday rem.)

Thursday, June 16th

NO 12:05 MASS
7:00pm Spanish Mass- All Welcome

Friday, June 17th

12:05pm Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore DiBernandinis

Saturday, June 18th

4:00pm For all fathers living & deceased

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

Sunday, June 19th
Father’s Day
10:00am For all fathers living & deceased
11:00am Procession
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Por todos los padres vivos y fallecidos

Sanctuary Lamp

Upper Church – Genevieve Gangi

Bread and Wine

The altar bread and wine for our Masses has been donated in loving memory of Genevieve Gangi & Philip Gangi.


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