Mass Intentions – July 9th to July 17th, 2022

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Mass Intentions

Saturday, July 9th

9:00am Priest’s intentions
4:00pm Holy Name Society, BVM Sodality, Samuel and Antoinette Salvo, Helen & Jerry Silvestro, Alphonse J. Camasso 20th Anniversary, Daniel “Danny” Pierro, Roland Mariano, Dorothy DeBurro anniversary, Isabella Fisco anniversary,. In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony (FFR).

Sunday, July 10th

10:00am For all the family of the Holy Rosary Shrine. Gen Gangi, anniversary.
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Hermanos Frias Cazares.

Monday, July 11h

12:05pm Priest’s intentions.

Tuesday, July 12th

12:05pm Janet and Bob Boush

Wednesday, July 13th

12:05pm Manuel Azevedo Silva

Thursday, July 14th

7:00pm Spanish Mass

Friday, July 15th

12:05pm  Priest’s intentions.

Saturday, July 16th

9:00am Priest’s intentions
4:00pm For all the family of the Holy Rosary Shrine. Michael “Mike” Manzi, Jr (MMM). Anna Tulley, (MMM)

Sunday, July 17th

10:00am For all the family of the Holy Rosary Shrine
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Hermanos Frias Cazares.

Sanctuary Lamps

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the Blessed Sacrament Altar this week at Holy Rosary Shrine Upper Church in Memory of Genevieve Gangi Anniversary.

Bread and Wine

Bread and Wine for the Altar has been donated in Loving Memory of Gen Gangi Anniversary