Mass Intentions – July 2nd to July 10th, 2022

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Mass Intentions for July 2nd to July 10th

Saturday, July 2nd

9:00am Priest Intentions
4:00pm St. Rita Sodality; In thanksgiving to St. Rita, FFR; John Dadducci, Birthday Remembrance; Antonio & Mary Ferrara; Christine Ferguson, 14th Anniversary; Antoinetta Balsamo; William Ellard; Dawn Marie Borrelli; In Thanksgiving to The Holy Trinity, FFR; The Catalano Family; David & Elaine Pickles, Birthday Remembrance; Thomas & Helena Napolitano & deceased Family

Sunday, July 3rd

10:00am For all the Family of the Holy Rosary Shrine
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Hermanos Frias Cazares

Monday, July 4th – Happy 4th of July !!

12:05pm Priest Intentions

Tuesday, July 5th

12:05pm Priest Intentions

Wednesday, July 6th

12:05pm Priest Intentions

Thursday, July 7th

7:00pm Spanish Mass – Cofradía del Sagrado Corazón

Friday, July 8th

12:05pm Priest Intentions

Saturday, July 9th

9:00am Priest Intentions
4:00pm Holy Name Society; BVM Sodality; Samuel & Antoinette Salvo; Helen & Jerry Silvestro; Alphonse J. Camassso, 20th Anniversary ; Daniel “Dany” Pierro; Roland Mariano; Dorothy DeBurro; Isabella Fusco

Sunday, July 10th

10:00am Gen Gangi, Anniversary
12:00pm Spanish Mass – Hermanos Frias Cazares

Sanctuary Lamps

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the Blessed Sacrament Altar this week at Holy Rosary Shrine Upper Church in Memory of the deceased Members of the Napolitano & Pickles Families.