March for Life

kid with sign

A student during the March for Life in 2013, By Miss.Monica.ElizabethOwn work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

As the new year begins, there is always one thing on my mind: The March for Life in Washington DC! Truly there is no better way to start off the new calendar year than to meditate upon the gift of human life, and more specifically on motherhood. This—I believe—is the Church’s wisdom in celebrating January 1st as the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. Mary’s feminine genius, that is to say—what makes Her the Church’s constant thought and model of womanhood, motherhood and really any aspect of human life that deals with human relationships or spiritual values—can teach us all something important. In fact in his Letter to Women, John Paul the Great exhorts us all to meditate more upon the person of Mary, which, “has an inestimable value for the development of individuals and the future of society”.

One of the biblical images of Our Lady in the Old Testament is that of Wisdom. When we think of Old Testament Wisdom we cannot help but think of Solomon, who, overwhelmed at the task before him as king prudently asks God for the gift of Wisdom, in order to govern well his people. After sacrificing burnt offerings on the high altar in Gibeon, God appears to Solomon in a dream and grants him the opportunity to ask for anything he may desire. Not desiring riches, nor property, nor even good health or anything for himself, Solomon says this most beautiful and courageous prayer: “Give your servant a listening heart to judge your people and to distinguish between good and evil. For who is able to give judgment for this vast people of yours?” (1 Kings 3:9). What a noble beginning, what a self-less prayer!

I wonder how many government officials today took office with similar intentions? Did they pray to God and seek His Wisdom? Did they desire a listening heart? I’m sure there were many who did and still others who genuinely believe that they are governing correctly while in reality they are far from the mark! Yet we know the difficulties of public office and the many temptations with which our leaders are constantly bombarded: Compromise; Fear; Unpopularity; Attack from the media. All of these things make it hard to persevere and remain faithful God or one’s initially good intentions. In fact, this is precisely what happened to Solomon! He surpassed everyone in riches and wisdom, peoples from all over came to hear his wisdom, and yet in his old age “his wives had turned his heart to follow other gods, and his heart was not entirely with the Lord” (1 Kings 11:4).

The March for Life this year, Friday January, 21, will be an opportunity for us to do the most important thing possible for ourselves and for our country: Pray! The Church encourages us to actively participate in the development of human society and the protection of human life. It is a responsibility that is directed to us all and we do this most effectively through the heart of Our Lady! Please pray for those who will be going to Washington DC this upcoming week, that they may go with the heart of Mary! But please also pray for our country and especially government leaders, that they too may receive the gift of a listening heart and may never waver from their responsibility to govern with true Wisdom.

Father Peter