It is CORI Time again!


The Shrine is required by the Archdiocese to submit all CORI forms in October of each year. All volunteers 18 years of age and older and any individual who may have direct and unmonitored contact with children, youth, the elderly or the disabled must submit a CORI form.

If you have volunteered in any Shrine ministry such as the choir, lectors, collectors, etc. you will need to fill out one of these forms as well and have it verified by Sue Witham and Damaris Madera. Sue and Damaris will be attending all the Masses on the weekend of September 28th and 29th to pass out the forms and answer any questions.

They should be completed at that time and we will verify identification and sign the form. This will make it easier for everyone. There will be forms in the Sacristy and the Shrine center in both English and Spanish if you would like to pick one up ahead of time. If you fill it out before the scheduled weekend, you will still need to have it signed and verified.

Please remember that you are only required to fill out a form if you volunteered this year. Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation.

~Sue Witham, CORI Coordinator