From the Friars: Why I like Pope Francis

From the Friars: Why I like Pope Francis

Remember how much everyone loved Pope Francis when he first got elected? For many, this love affair soured for various reasons as the years of his Papacy went on. I think that is because human creatures like to criticize so much. We just like to be negative. This is an aspect of Original Sin. To counteract negative thoughts, we just need to think of positive ones. So, I decided to compose a list of the good things that I believe that Pope Francis has done during his Pontificate. In fact, the more good things that I listed, the more I found. So, here they are.

10) He added St. Joseph’s name to all the Eucharistic Prayers.
9) He made “Mary, Mother of the Church” a Feast Day in the Church—the Monday after Pentecost.
8) He has created more Cardinals from “Third World” countries than any other Pope.
7) He is Pro-Life; Pro-Woman; Pro-Child; Pro-Family; Pro-Immigrant, Marginalized, and Homeless and Pro-Environment—very few leaders in the world can claim all of that.
6) He has worked for reconciliation between the Church in China and the Chinese government.
5) He has achieved a new level of inter-religious dialogue with our Muslim brothers and sisters.
4) He is not afraid to venture out into new projects and take the Church in new directions even when he knows that he would be criticized for it, by close advisors.
3) He gave Bishop Robert Barron his own Diocese—Winona-Rochester in Minnesota.
2) He made two personal priest friends of mine bishops this past summer: Rev. James Ruggeri of St. Patrick’s Church in Providence, RI is now the new Bishop of Portland, Maine and
1) Abouna Elie Mikhael, the former pastor of St. Anthony’s Maronite Church in Lawrence, MA is now a Chorbishop, and the Apostolic Adminstrator of Our Lady of Lebanon (that is head of the entire Maronite Community) in Mexico.

How can I possibly criticize the Holy Father when he is making wonderful priest friends bishops?

Pope Francis with many people

Pope Francis visiting a Favela, by Tânia Rêgo – CC BY 3.0 br, Link

If you have had difficulties with some of the things that Pope Francis has done…think of all of the good that he has done instead—and you will find much good present there.

–Rev. Andrew M. Beauregard, FPO