From the Friars: The Power of a Mother’s Love
On New Year’s Day, 1987, Pope John Paul II declared a Marian Year from Pentecost, 1987 through the Solemnity of the Assumption, August 15, 1988. In February of 1988 I went to the Navy Exchange in Rota, Spain to shop for a few things and noticed a display of books for Black History month. I had plans to travel around northern Europe on the Eurail with two friends from my Seabee battalion, and was looking for a good book to read during our travels. I picked up Let the Trumpet Sound by Stephen B. Oats, a biography of Martin Luther King Jr.
While reading that book, with much time to think on the train, I began to experience a strong consolation and peace. I was inspired by Dr. King’s brave fight for justice and especially by his philosophy of non-violence. It took me a while to understand, but God used that book to call me back to Himself. On Easter of that year I made the personal commitment to go to Mass every Sunday. During Advent I went to Confession for the first time in a long time. Finally, I made the decision to leave the Navy and planned to become a teacher.

Martin Luther King, by Nobel Foundation – Public Domain, Link
Meanwhile, my two older brothers had also had reversion experiences and had become involved in the pro-life movement. The non-violent protests and civil disobedience of many pro-lifers reminded me of MLK, and of Ghandi and Thoreau who had inspired him. Becoming involved myself, the cultural conflict of the abortion issue helped me to see the root of the problem, the turning away from God. Thoughts of becoming a priest began to come to my mind.
All of this providentially converges this week as Martin Luther King Day falls on Monday, the March for Life on Friday and our FPC Anniversary on Saturday (celebration Sunday). Another of the six original FPC’s had a dramatic conversion from atheism in 1988. The Gospel for today’s Mass is the Wedding Feast of Cana, where Jesus works a great miracle at the intercession of Our Blessed Mother.
No doubt many other lost sheep can thank the grace of the Marian Year for being brought back to the fold.
–Fr. Peter