From the Friars: The Holy Family

From the Friars: The Holy Family

Saint John Paul II wrote that God in Himself, the Most Holy Trinity, is like a family. The Holy Family, whom we honor on today’s Feast, is the closest image in the created world of the Divine Communion of Persons. It is a limited reflection of the Godhead, but nonetheless the Holy Family reveals some important truths to us. One is that a total mutual self-gift between spouses must be open to include another.

Painting of the Holy family and the family of St John the Baptist

Holy Family with the Family of St John the Baptist, by Lorenzo Lotto – Public Domain, Link

But Jesus, Mary and Joseph not only give us a glimpse of the Trinity, but they are the very path to enter into the Divine “Family.” Through Baptism we become adopted sons and daughters in the Son. Our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph take on universal roles in God’ plan. Mary is the New Eve, the mother of all the living and St. Joseph the Patron of the Universal Church. He is a spiritual father to all of the Mystical Body of Christ.

Finally, we are all called to make visible to the world the mystery of Trinitarian Love, each according to their vocation. We all experience wounds due to the imperfection and dysfunction of our human families. My father was a very good man but we were not very close when I was growing up. A perfect father would have helped me more to avoid some of the bad decisions I made. But I am eternally grateful for all he did for me. I would not be able to list the countless sacrifices he made for our family.

As a priest I am called to be a spiritual father. But I am aware of my lack of generosity at times and the harm I have done by my sins of commission and omission. In fact, we all fail at times to be the instrument of God’s life-giving love that we were created to be. But as we gaze in wonder on the beauty of the Holy Family at Bethlehem, let us not be discouraged. Rather, trusting in the mercy of the Divine Child, let us begin again to love as our Heavenly Father loves us.

A Blessed and Joyful New Year!

–Fr. Peter