From the Friars: The Greatness of Saint Joseph
This Wednesday we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, the greatest saint who ever lived, after our Blessed Mother herself. Why is this so? To quote St. Peter Julian Eymard: “Saint Joseph knew Our Lord more thoroughly than did all the saints together; he lived for Him alone. …In that, above all, he is our model, and in that too does his incomparable greatness consist.” He is praised for his heroic virtues, but it is his preeminent love for Jesus that makes him the greatest among the great.

Saint Joseph with Infant Jesus, By Guido Reni – Public Domain, Link
From the moment the angel removed all doubt about the mystery of Mary’s pregnancy, the Divine Child in her womb became the focus of Saint Joseph’s entire life. And his sinless spouse led him to ever deeper intimacy with the little boy that was their Creator. He had at the same time the heart of a father toward Jesus and the humble awe of being in the presence of the Great I Am. Their time praying, playing, working and silently walking together would be a deep joy.
In this relationship we contemplate a mystery, a profound union that we must acknowledge as far beyond our ability to comprehend. There is a oneness in the Holy Family that mirrors that of the Holy Trinty. From the prophecies of Sacred Scripture, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Joseph would have come to understand that the Messiah would suffer and die for the sins of His people. And realizing that he would not be there to comfort Jesus, or to support Our Blessed Mother, would become the great cross of his life.
Saint Joseph is the Patron of a holy death because he died in the arms of Our Lord and Our Lady. And he passed to the vision of the face of the Father. Some saints say he was assumed body and soul into Heaven. It would be fitting. His fatherhood continues for us now as members of the Mystical Body of Christ. In the Sacred Liturgy and the Holy Rosary we can, in a sense, share the privilege that Saint Joseph had in living with Jesus.
May he help us live for the One Thing Necessary as he did.
–Fr. Peter