From the Friars: Prepared for the Journey
The movie “A Christmas Story” is very popular because it reminds many people of things from their childhood in a humorous way. One funny scene is when Ralphie’s mother is putting winter clothes on his younger brother Randy before they leave to walk to school. She puts so many layers of clothing on the kid that he complains, “I can’t put my arms down!” Later he falls into the snow and is unable to get up. But he is warm.

Transfiguration of Jesus, by Carl Bloch – Public Domain, Link
We laugh because we can relate to times in our own lives when our parents or grandparents perhaps went a bit overboard in trying to protect us from whatever dangers may be coming our way. Today we hear again about the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor in the presence of three of His Apostles. Like a good father, Our Lord is preparing His disciples for the coming shock of the Cross. Just prior to this He had told them plainly of the suffering that was to come. But they did not understand and were afraid to ask Him about the prophecy.
It is common to question about why God allows suffering and death, especially in our own lives or those of whom we love. Hopefully we ask in faith, trusting that God’s way is always for the best. But we should focus more on learning and understanding what Our Lord has actually done and why, as opposed to agonizing over what seems to us to be a better plan from our very limited perspective.
Jesus, in His infinite goodness, reveals his glory to us today, His Glory. This glory will soon be hidden as He hangs on the Cross, but it can never end. This revelation, and remembering this great miracle, is a weapon He gives us to fight the good fight of faith when the cross comes in our own lives.
Let us be grateful for this gift and for the infinite love in which the Lord wraps us and protects us. It will keep us warm when we pass through the bitter coldness of suffering and death.
Pax et Bonum.
–Fr. Peter