From the Friars: One Hundred Years

From the Friars: One Hundred Years

Welcome everyone to Holy Rosary Shrine as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Feast of the Three Saints here in Lawrence. We hope that this event will be a joyful time of growing closer to God for all.

In 249 AD the Roman Emperor Decius issued an edict that required everyone in the Empire to sacrifice and burn incense to the Roman gods. Christians were forced to make a choice, either to violate the First Commandment, or be tortured and killed. There is no clear record of how many died for their faith, but among them were three young brothers named Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino.

Picture of an altar with the three saints

The three martyrs went through several interrogations and horrible tortures but remained faithful unto death. One of the tactics used to try to get them to renounce their faith in Jesus was to offer them wealth, power and prestige in the empire. Perhaps they remembered the gospel passage from today’s Mass: “For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul.” (Mt 16:26)

In our own time, each one of us must also make a decision to follow Jesus in His Church, or give ourselves to the idols of the present age. For example, the Third Commandment to keep holy the Lord’s Day obliges us to attend Mass on Sunday or Saturday evening. The choice to not do this is to say no to God because something or someone else is more important to me at the moment. Maybe it is sports, or sleep, or shopping, or I just find it boring.

The holy brothers were not only faithful but joyful and grateful for the privilege to give their lives for Him Who died for us on the Cross. They knew their dignity and identity as adopted sons of God, infinitely loved by Him. They knew their true home is in Heaven and not in this passing world.

May the Holy Queen of Martyrs obtain for us the grace to experience this love and truth in our own lives, and to imitate the example of the three saints until the day of our own death.

God bless you!

Fr. Peter