From the Friars: Life is in the Blood

From the Friars: Life is in the Blood

The Lord is truly risen. Alleluia! The Easter Vigil is the most solemn and important Liturgy of the year. It is full of striking sensible signs of the invisible works of Almighty God. Darkness and light, fire and water, and the sounds of bells and triumphant alleluias all enrich the celebration of Jesus’ victory over death. But I would like to highlight a brief and simple act by the priest that beautifully symbolizes the Resurrection of Our Lord.

The double consecration of bread and wine is a sign of the death of Jesus, of the separation of His blood from His body. Later, during the Agnus Dei, there is the fraction, or breaking of the large Host. Following this is the commingling, where the priest places a fragment into the chalice saying quietly: ”May this mingling of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ bring eternal life to us who receive it.” What was separated to signify death is now reunited to signify the resurrection, when Christ’s human soul was reunited with his body. Like the actual Resurrection, this sign is humble and hidden, but seen by those who receive the gift of faith.

We are made in the image and likeness of God. Our bodies and souls are Trinitarian. The lungs represent the Holy Spirit and the brain God the Son, the Eternal Word. The human heart pumps blood through the body and symbolizes God the Father, the source of all being and life. The chosen people were forbidden to drink the blood of any animal. “For the life of every creature is in the blood of it.” (Lev 17:14) A similar prohibition is found in Genesis 9:4 which could be translated: “you shall not eat flesh with its soul, that is, its blood.” We were made to be raised up to Divine life, not to be lowered to the level of irrational creatures.

When we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, His life is poured into us. The Lord is truly Risen. May we be worthy to share the glory of His Victory.


–Fr. Peter