From the Friars: From the Heart

From the Friars: From the Heart

If the French Revolution had only been about genuine “Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood” it would have brought about much needed reform in a just manner. The reality was a revolt against the Authority of God, resulting in a blood bath and then the tyranny of Napoleon. Its ideological offspring also include the murderous regimes of both Hitler and Stalin.

If the Sexual Revolution had only been about the authentic rights of women and a healthier living out of human sexuality it would have done much good. In truth it also is a rejection of our Creator’s design and purpose for us. The negative results are legion, including millions of dead or wounded from abortion, broken families, and countless slaves to lust and their victims.

At the recent Democratic National Convention, Planned Parenthood parked a van outside the event site and offered free abortions and vasectomies. Things have changed since the 1990’s when President Clinton’s goal was to make abortion “safe, legal and rare.” Now it is celebrated. The Republican Party has also abandoned its Pro-Life platform in hopes of gaining votes. We are going deeper into darkness.

No one wants to talk about abortion. I don’t want to talk about it. But, like cancer, ignoring it does not make the harm go away, only worse. Despite the euphemisms, there is no avoiding the painful reality that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life.

Holy Heart Sagrado Corazón - St Joseph Parish, San Antonio TX

In the Gospel today Jesus teaches us that evil comes from the heart of the person. But in another place, He also says “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart produces good.” (Lk 6:45) It is first and foremost in the human heart that the war between good and evil is fought. And the fundamental decision is to embrace or revolt against the Kingdom of God.

Thankfully, we have the initiative of Saint Joseph’s Home beginning in the shrine community. In today’s second reading we hear: “Religion that is pure and undefiled … is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (Jas 1:27) May this small haven for mothers and babies be a light in the darkness.

God bless you.

–Fr. Peter