From the Friars: By What Authority?
We hear in the Gospel today that Jesus gave authority to the twelve apostles to proclaim the kingdom of heaven, drive out demons and cure the sick. You can’t give what you don’t have. Our Lord has authority because He is the Author, the Creator and Source of everything that exists. And those with authority have the right and freedom to delegate that authority to those whom they choose to do so.

The Cleansing of the Temple, by James Tissot – Public Domain, Link
There is much misunderstanding and confusion about authority in our time. The development of a greater recognition of the dignity of each individual has led to extreme views about individual rights. There is much rebellion against legitimate authority. I have often heard from parents and school teachers how young people are openly defiant and disobedient. In fact, behavior problems are a major reason for the current teacher shortage.
The ironic thing is that it was Jesus Himself Who planted the seed of the full truth of the dignity of the human person when He said: “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Mt 25:40) The so-called Enlightenment brought a separation of this dignity from its divine source. A society cut off from the source of legitimate authority will end up in chaos. The grave error that our value and rights come somehow from ourselves has taken deep root. It is a new version of the oldest sin: I will decide what is right and wrong, I will decide who I am, I am not subject to the authority of God.
The Jewish leaders asked Jesus, “By what authority do you do these things. Who gave you this authority to do them?” (Mk 11:28) At the time He evaded the question because of their duplicity, but after His Resurrection He said, “All authority on Heaven and earth has been given to me.” (Mt28:18)
Let us be grateful to be under the authority of the Great King Who commands only what is for our good and shares everything He has with us, including His authority.
God bless you.
–Fr. Peter