From the Friars: An Extraordinary Young Man

From the Friars: An Extraordinary Young Man

Picture of Bl. Carlo Acutis

Bl. Carlo Acutis, by Unknown – Source, Fair use, Link

When the famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche proclaimed that “God is dead“, the Lord raised up a little French girl, Saint Therese of Lisieux, who reminded us all of the Father’s unconditional love for us. It is possible that the Little Flower and Nietzsche may have even met as they once stayed at the same hotel at the same time.

When the famous theologian Rudolf Bultmann taught that the Sacred Scriptures must be “demythologized” because no one would believe in miracles in our modern scientific age, God raised up a peasant Capuchin priest named Padre Pio who worked many miracles and who had the stigmata for 50 years. It is said that in Italy even the atheists believe in Padre Pio. These are two of countless examples of how God answers the errors and doubts of each age with holy people who remind us of the Truth by their words and example.

And so, it is in our time when faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament is in crisis. Another prodigy of grace, a youth who died of leukemia at only fifteen years old in 2006, has given the world a heroic example of holiness and faith in and devotion to Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Growing up in Italy, Carlo Acutis seemed like a regular kid in so many ways. He liked video games, computers, dogs, sports, and hanging out with his friends. His parents were Catholic but not practicing. On his own initiative he requested to receive First Holy Communion at seven years old. He began to attend Mass daily, to pray the Rosary daily and to go Confession weekly. He also would spend an hour before or after Mass in adoration of Jesus in the tabernacle.

Carlo helped the homeless, defended classmates who were bullied, and in general was always joyful and loving, especially to those who nobody seemed to care about. He offered his final suffering for the Pope and for the Church.

But it was Carlo’s amazing friendship with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament that stands out most in his heroic short life. He built a website that teaches about the many Eucharistic miracles that have occurred in the history of the Church.

He was beatified on October 12, 2020 at Assisi where he is also buried, because of his love for St. Francis.

God speaks to us through the lives of the saints. In Bl. Carlo, He reminds us of the incredible gift of His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist.

Bl Carlo pray for us!

Fr. Peter

en English