From the Friars: A Copernican Revolution

A Copernican Revolution

Copernicus gravestone

Copernicus’ gravestone in Frombork Cathedral, by Holger WeinandtOwn work, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, Link

There was a time when people thought that the earth was at the center of the universe and that the sun revolved around our planet. In the sixteenth century, Nicolaus Copernicus figured out that it is the earth that actually revolves around the sun. This was a big event in the history of science. It can also serve as a providential reminder of the call to conversion that Jesus makes to each one of us.

Lent is a time of penance, to prepare us to celebrate worthily the holiest days of the year, the Easter Triduum. Prayer, fasting and alms-giving are external ways of cooperating with Holy Spirit’s internal work of transforming our hearts and minds. In our fallen nature, we tend to put ourselves first, acting and thinking as if I am the center of the universe. The grace of God helps us to live in reality, to recognize the truth that Jesus is the center of all that exists. The Paschal Mystery of His Passion, Death and Resurrection is the center of the year, as He is the center of history, of creation and of the Most Holy Trinity itself.

During Lent, the Lord, through Our Blessed Mother, wants to give each one of us special graces to bring about a Copernican Revolution in our souls. To transform our ugly, self-centered lives into beautiful, Christ-centered, saintly lives. Saints John Paul II and Paul VI both taught that the Rosary is a contemplative, Christ-centered prayer. The Hail Mary has the name of Jesus at its center, as the mysteries focus our minds on the only human life lived by a Divine Person, the only one that redeems us.

We are called to continue that life as members of His Mystical Body. May this sacred time be a genuine revolution of overthrowing the lie of sin in our lives. A joyful and blessed Lent to all.

— Fr. Peter