Franciscan News!

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For several years we have discussed in our little Franciscan community the possibility of changing our name. At our recent chapter we voted to do just that and Cardinal O’Malley gave his approval of the decision. Therefore, we are happy to announce that the Franciscans of Primitive Observance will now be known as the Franciscans of the Poor Christ.

Like so many in the history of the Franciscan Order, we have felt called to try to imitate the initial simplicity of our founder, St. Francis of Assisi. “Primitive Observance” is a way of expressing this, but we have come to believe it would be more appropriate to focus on our relationship with Our Lord. It was his experience of the Love of Jesus and the poverty of the Incarnation that was at the heart of the Rule that St. Francis wrote.

So, the FPO’s are now the FPC’s. Surely this will cause much “Seraphic Confusion”, but we prayer it will be for the greater glory of God.

Thank you for your patience and please pray that we be faithful to our vocation. God bless you.