Viernes, 31 de Mayo 6:30pm -Misa, Santa Maria 7:30pm -Procesión al Santuario de S.R. 8:30pm -Bendición, Bienvenida 9:00pm -Concierto, Pablo Castro, Adoración Sábado, 1 de Junio 8:00am -Registro, Desayuno, Música 8:30am -Rosario 9:00am -Bienvenida, El Cardenal O’Malley 10:00am -Charlas 12:30pm -Almuerzo, Confesión, Vendedores, Adoración, Música 2:15pm -Charlas 5:30pm -Misa de Corpus Christi, El Cardenal…
CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION Holy Rosary Shrine The Solemnity of Corpus Christi Sunday, June 2, 2024, at 11:15am Come and bear witness to your faith in the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament! PROCESIÓN DEL CORPUS CHRISTI Santuario del Santo Rosario Solemnidad del Corpus Christi Domingo, 2 de junio de…
There will be an important shrine fair meeting on Monday, June 3 at 7:00pm in the Shrine Center. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please join us as we begin planning for the shrine fair to be held on August 30, 31 and September 1. We welcome any suggestions and advice. Thank-you. ~Wayne Pickles
There will be a meeting on Monday, June 17 at 7:00pm in the Shrine Center to discuss the various projects going on at HRS and future plans. All are welcome to attend this meeting. It will be in both English and Spanish
We will be hosting a group of young people on pilgrimage at our Shrine from the night of Thursday, July 4 until Saturday morning, July 6. There will be 42 people and we will provide breakfast for them on Friday and Saturday morning. We are looking for donations of breakfast foods and volunteers to serve…