Please come and participate in the traditional candle-light procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima on Sunday, May 12, 2024. We will meet in the upper church and would like to leave the church at approximately 8:00pm. Please join us so that we have a beautifully lighted procession honoring the Virgin Mary.
Viernes, 31 de Mayo 6:30pm -Misa, Santa Maria 7:30pm -Procesión al Santuario de S.R. 8:30pm -Bendición, Bienvenida 9:00pm -Concierto, Pablo Castro, Adoración Sábado, 1 de Junio 8:00am -Registro, Desayuno, Música 8:30am -Rosario 9:00am -Bienvenida, El Cardenal O’Malley 10:00am -Charlas 12:30pm -Almuerzo, Confesión, Vendedores, Adoración, Música 2:15pm -Charlas 5:30pm -Misa de Corpus Christi, El Cardenal…