Holy Rosary Shrine is composed by many communities and societies, under the sacred mantel of Our Beloved Mother for the Love of her Son Jesus.
St. Rita Sodality
President: Rose Maria Redman
redmanrose@gmail.com- Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality
President: Josephine Paolino
jopaol@verizon.net - Holy Name Society
President: Carl Benanti
cjbenanti@comcast.net - Bread & Roses Ministry
President: Mimi Benanti - Cofradía del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
President: Franny Peña
Frannypena2204@gmail.com - Hispanic Charismatic Group
Persons in charge: Roque and Maria Peña
roquepena2012@gmail.com - Legion de Maria
Person in charge: Elizabeth Nuñez - Knights of Lithuania
Person in charge: David Boucher
davenhguy@aol.com - Hermandad de Emmaus – Hombres
Person in charge: Franklin Nuñez - Hermandad de Emmaus – Mujeres
Person in charge: Damaris Madera
lawrenceinsurance514@gmail.com - St. Alfio Society
Not officially affiliated with Holy Rosary Shrine, but we are next-door neighbors and work closely together, (threesaintsinc.org)