Category Archives: Community

Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality News

Our recent Basket Raffle was a great success! We are grateful to all who bought tickets or made donations. A very special thank you to Carol Cultrera, Connie Pickles and Eleanor Thornhill for their generous prize donations. The winner of the wreath was Angela Freni, a long time Sodality member. The Happy Spring Basket #2…

Bread and Roses Ministry Update

The Bread and Roses Sandwich Ministry here at Holy Rosary Shrine is changing its name to Helping Hands at Holy Rosary Shrine. Since there are many agencies in our community that could use our aid, i.e. women’s shelters, St. Anne’s Home, Lazarus House, etc., we would like to offer assistance to these groups as well…

Conference on A Pastoral Response to Gender Ideology

This conference will be held at St. Mary of the Assumption Parish Gym in Lawrence on June 11 and 12, 2022. We highly recommend that people attend this excellent event about this very important and sensitive issue. Parents especially should be aware of what is being taught to their children in school and by the…

Liturgical Celebration of the Three Saints

The Saints Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino Society invites all Shrine members and their families to our liturgical celebration of the Three Saints on Tuesday, May 10th at 6:00 PM. On that day in the year 253, the Three Brothers Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino received the palm and crown of martyrdom. Join us as we remember…

Our Lady of Fatima Candlelight Procession

Please join us on Sunday, May 8th at 8:00pm for an outdoor procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima led by the Portuguese Community. At Fatima Our Blessed Mother appeared as Our Lady of the Rosary, so it is very appropriate that we honor her, and her Divine Son, here at Holy Rosary Shrine.

Note from the Catechists

Our Ultimate satisfaction in sharing our faith with your children is to know that they will choose to grow in their Catholic faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ and to practice what they believe. The nourishing factor does not end with Baptism, Frist Penance and First Communion. Blessings and prayers to the children and…

Sacrament of the Holy Communion

The following children will be receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, May 1st at the 9:00am Mass: Angelo Brancato Krossiah Couture Christian DeJesus Jacob Furnari Sofia Luisa Ildefonso Jaihleenet Rodríguez Jaimhelee Rodríguez Alexa Suavez Jaimhelee and Jaihleenet Rodríguez will read First Reading and Second Reading respectively. Sofia Luisa Ildefonso will crown the statue…

Spring Raffle

The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality will have a Spring Raffle after all the Masses on the weekends of  April 30/May 1 and May7/8, with exception of the First Holy Communion Mass on May 1st. Three items will be raffled:  a Spring Wreath, a Gardening Basket, and a Happy Spring Basket. ALL proceeds will be donated to the…

Attention all servers and lectors

Holy Week Liturgy Practices There will be a practice for the Tenebrae Service, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, The Good Friday Passion Service and the Easter Vigil this Monday 4/11 at 6:30pm in the upper church. All servers and lectors should attend so that we will be well prepared for these most important liturgies.…