Penny Sale!
Sunday, March 13th at 4:00 p.m. at the Holy Rosary Shrine Center Proceeds going to the flowers for our Lady of Fatima’s candle-light procession All are welcome!!!
Sunday, March 13th at 4:00 p.m. at the Holy Rosary Shrine Center Proceeds going to the flowers for our Lady of Fatima’s candle-light procession All are welcome!!!
Come and honor the Patron of the Universal Church and greatest of all the saints, after Our Bless Mother, on his Solemn Feast Day, March 19th. There will be a vigil Mass at 7pm on the 18th in Spanish and an English Mass on the 19th at 12:05pm. Both of these Masses will have a…
Pope Francis is presently making efforts to safeguard the unity of the Church in her Sacred Liturgy. There are concerns about some not accepting the reform of Vatican II, yet at the same time there is a growing movement, especially among the young, of seeking the greater outward reverence and transcendence of the traditional liturgy.…
We are hoping to adjust the Sunday Mass Schedule so as to have more time between Masses for an easier, more prayerful transition and possibly other activities. This could begin in May and the times of 8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm Spanish are most likely. This will be discussed at the open meeting on March 22nd.
There will be an open meeting in the Shrine Center on Tuesday, March 22nd at 6:30pm. Various topics will be discussed including: Use of the lower church space. The new friary/rectory building. Change in the Sunday Mass schedule. A new church entrance. And more. Come and participate if you would like to know more about…
Saturday, March 5 4:00pm St. Rita Sodality, For deceased members of the Ardito family, Michael Giuffrida, Carol Farrington, Arthur & Louise Joaquin, In thanksgiving to Holy Trinity, Angela Blatti, For special intention to St. Lucy, The DiZazzo deceased family Sunday, March 6 First Sunday of Lent 9:00am For all the Holy Rosary Shrine family 10:30am…
Holy Rosary Shrine is happy to announce that a new person will be joining our staff as of March 8th. Her name is Mrs. Sarita Eaton, or Sari, and she will be the new Business/Office Manager. Karen Miller will continue as Business Manager during a time of transition and training, and afterwards as a consultant…
Come and learn more about the most important thing that we do: worship God! Held every other Wednesday in Lent, beginning March 9th, the evenings will begin with the Holy Rosary at 6:30pm with the talk following at 7:00pm. Confession will be available. The overall theme of these conferences will be “Worship in Spirit and…
From the Friars: The Father of Lies Imagine you are at the zoo and suddenly you hear an announcement over the loudspeaker that a lion has just escaped from his cage. Would you not experience a rush of fear and immediate thoughts of how to protect yourself from this danger. St. Peter tells us: “stay…
ABSTINENCE Catholics over 14 years of age are bound to the obligations of abstinence. Abstinence is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent. On days of abstinence, meat may not be used at all. FAST Catholics over 18 and up to the beginning of their sixtieth year are bound to the…