Category Archives: News

Annual Events at Holy Rosary Shrine

January 20-21: Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de la Alta Gracia Second Sunday in February: Lithuanian Independence Day March: Pork Dinner/Portuguese Community Fund-Raiser (postponed in 2022) March 19th: Solemnity of St. Joseph March 25th: Solemnity of the Annunciation St. Anthony Novena: Runs for nine Tuesdays prior to the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua on June…

Holy Week 2022 Schedule

Palm Sunday: Mass times as usual Daily Mass: 12:05pm as usual on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Wednesday: 7:00pm Tenebrae Service Holy Thursday: 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper- Bilingual (No Stations of the Cross) Good Friday: Passion Services at 3:00pm (English) and 6:00pm (Spanish) – NO confessions, adoration or Mass Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil Mass…

From the Friars: Understanding God’s Law

From the Friars: Understanding God’s Law When children are young parents have to put many restrictions on them so that they don’t hurt themselves. They put protectors on the electric outlets, safety latches on the sharp knife drawer and other such things because the little ones do not yet understand the real dangers in the…

Attention All Teens

Holy Rosary Shrine is now gathering young people regularly for fellowship, fun and practical instruction in the faith. Our Next event is April 2nd 2022, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at he Shrine Center. We will be watching an Episode of “The Chosen,” an online series about the life of Christ. Food provided and discussion follows.…

Stations of the Cross this Friday

The Stations of the Cross will be celebrated this Friday, March 1st at 7:00pm. By mistake it was stated in the bulletin that there was not going to be a celebration. For more details, check the Calendar of Events. Thank you.

The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality

The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality (To Jesus through his mother Mary) The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality of Holy Rosary Shrine was started in 1929, adopting rules from an affiliation with the Sodality Secretariate in Rome. For many years membership was limited to unmarried women. The women showed their devotion to the Blessed Mother by attending…

From the Friars: Love Gives Ownership

From the Friars: Love Gives Ownership In the parable of the Prodigal Son the older son is angry because his father has killed the fatted calf to celebrate the return of his brother. He complains that the father had never given him so much as a goat for a party for him and his friends.…

Shrine Envelopes

If you would like to receive tithe envelopes, please email or call the parish office at 978-687-9047 Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Thank you for your collaboration and support of The Holy Rosary Shrine.

Membership in St. Rita’s Sodality

Are you interested in becoming a member of St. Rita’s Sodality? The Sodality perpetuates devotion to St. Rita through prayer and charitable works in her name. Through our activities, we continue to support our beloved church, both spiritually and financially. If this sounds appealing to you—and you are a woman, 18 years or older—contact: Rosemary…