Category Archives: News

Feast of St Rita of Cascia

The St. Rita Sodality will come together to remember members who have gone to their eternal rest on Saturday, May 21st at 9:00am Mass for deceased members. On Sunday, May 22nd we will celebrate Mass at 9:00am. Ladies who plan to join the St. Rita Sodality will be inducted and welcomed into the Sodality. There…

Mass Intentions – May 14th to May 22nd, 2022

Mass Intentions Saturday, May 14th 4:00pm Holy Name Society & BVM Sodality; Albert Bastianelli (Anniv.) & Deceased family; Thomas Minahan; Daniel “Dany” Pierro; Robert Sacchetti (Birthday Rem.) Frank & Agnes Ford (Anniv.); Alfio & Rose Petralia (Birthday); Constance Fiorentini; Bernard Porter (Special Intention); Paul Wieszeck (Special Intention); In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Fatima (FFR)…

From the Friars: A New Saint

From the Friars: A New Saint We find in today’s Gospel, Judas filled with the very darkness into which he fled and Jesus preparing His apostles for His ultimate sacrifice. He affectionately addresses these grown men as ‘children’ and commands them to “love one another; even as I have loved you.” John 13:34, the new…

New Statue of Saint Francis of Assisi

Thanks be to God and to Frank and Anita Sapienza for the beautiful new statue of St. Francis of Assisi that is now in the Shrine Church entrance. It is carved wood and came all the way from Italy. Notice the wounds of the stigmata on his hands that St. Francis bore for the last…

From the Friars: Mother of the Good Shepherd

From the Friars: Mother of the Good Shepherd Years ago I was in the hospital room when my sister was in labor with her first son. She was complaining loudly to my mother for not having warned her about how painful giving birth actually was. It was a difficult situation, so like the Apostles, I…

Mass Times Update

Thank you to the many people who have given us input about changing the Sunday Mass schedule. Many have supported having only one English Mass and one Spanish Mass, including the Shrine Council at our recent meeting. But many have also expressed the desire to keep two English Masses on Sunday because of the lack…

Seeking Healing after Abortion?

Project Rachel Retreats offer hope, healing & reconciliation in a confidential setting on Saturday, May 14th and Saturday, June 4th. Location is confidential. Pre-registration is required. For more information: Project Rachel at (508) 651-3100 or Sponsored by the Project Rachel Ministry—Archdiocese of Boston.

Mass Intentions – May 7th to May 15th, 2022

Mass Intentions – May 7th to May 15th, 2022 Saturday, May 7th 4:00pm For all Mothers living and deceased Sunday, May 8th Mother’s Day 9:00am For all Mothers living and deceased 10:30am For all Mothers living and deceased 12:00pm Spanish Mass – Por todas las madres vivas y fallecidas Monday, May 9th 12:05pm Priest’s Intentions…

Liturgical Celebration of the Three Saints

The Saints Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino Society invites all Shrine members and their families to our liturgical celebration of the Three Saints on Tuesday, May 10th at 6:00 PM. On that day in the year 253, the Three Brothers Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino received the palm and crown of martyrdom. Join us as we remember…