Category Archives: News

Mass Schedule Change

We are happy to announce that beginning on June 19, 2022, the Solemnity of Corpus Christ, Holy Rosary Shrine will have one Mass in English at 10:00am and one Mass in Spanish at 12:00pm on Sundays. Much thought and prayer has gone into making this decision. The main difficulty has always been limited available parking.…

Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality News

Our recent Basket Raffle was a great success! We are grateful to all who bought tickets or made donations. A very special thank you to Carol Cultrera, Connie Pickles and Eleanor Thornhill for their generous prize donations. The winner of the wreath was Angela Freni, a long time Sodality member. The Happy Spring Basket #2…

What happened to second collections?

You may have noticed that we have not been doing as many second collections since the beginning of this year. We have eliminated the special collections for shrine maintenance, heat costs and other such specific needs in order to simplify things and not bother you with so many collections. We still have to pay those…

Mass Intentions – May 21st to May 29th, 2022

Mass Intentions Saturday, May 21st 9:00am Memorial Mass for St. Rita’s deceased members 4:00pm Bernard Porter (Special Intention); Paul Wieszeck (Special Intention) David & Elaine Pickles (Anniversary); Thomas & Helena Napolitano & deceased Family; Lori Sousa; Archie & Dorothy Napolitano & Linda Copley; Michael Bruno; In Thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity Sunday, May 22nd 9:00am…

From the Friars: Homesick

From the Friars: Homesick At the end of June, I will be making my annual visit to my family in Michigan where I grew up. It is always a joy to see loved ones and to go back to the place that for me will always be home. At the same time there is a…

Bread and Roses Ministry Update

The Bread and Roses Sandwich Ministry here at Holy Rosary Shrine is changing its name to Helping Hands at Holy Rosary Shrine. Since there are many agencies in our community that could use our aid, i.e. women’s shelters, St. Anne’s Home, Lazarus House, etc., we would like to offer assistance to these groups as well…

Homeschooling Summit

On Saturday, June 11th, Holy Rosary Shrine will host a Homeschooling Summit for families interested in homeschooling this Fall. Experienced home-schoolers will share their advice on how to make this possible. The day will begin with Mass at 9:00am and conclude by 2:00pm.

Conference on A Pastoral Response to Gender Ideology

This conference will be held at St. Mary of the Assumption Parish Gym in Lawrence on June 11 and 12, 2022. We highly recommend that people attend this excellent event about this very important and sensitive issue. Parents especially should be aware of what is being taught to their children in school and by the…