Category Archives: News

Saint Anthony of Padua

Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church Saint Anthony Bread is a term used for offerings made in thanksgiving to God for blessings received though the intercession of Saint Anthony. Two miracles are attributed to the saint where the petitioners had offered to give bread to the poor if their prayers were…

Mass Intentions – June11th to June 19th, 2022

Mass Intentions Saturday, June 11th 3:30pm B.V.M. Sodality will recite the rosary before Mass 4:00pm Holy Name Society, Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, Gen Gangi (Birthday rem.), Carmela & Charles DiStefano, Lois Hodgdon Crane & deceased family, Carmela & Alfio Torrisi & family, Joh Dadducci & Antonio Ferrara (Father’s Day rem.), Vincent Bolis (Father’s Day rem.),…

From the Friars: One Plus One Equals Three

From the Friars: One Plus One Equals Three Let us consider some basic things that we experience frequently that have a unity but also three aspects: Space: height, width, depth; Time: past, present, future; Matter: solid, liquid, gas; Fire: flame, light, heat; Plant: root, stem, leaf; Body: heart, brain, lungs; Soul: memory, intellect, will; Family:…

Summer Reminder

If you are going to be away during the summer months, please remember to mail in your makeup envelopes. This will be of great assistance to us in trying to meet our many financial obligations. Thank you and Have a great summer!

Archdiocese of Boston Eucharistic Congress

Jesus is Here Saturday, June 18, 2022. 8:30am to 6pm Tsongas Center at UMAS Lowell The Shrine would like to help young people attend the Eucharistic Congress on June 18th. The Shrine has limited tickets available, and transportation as a group can be arranged. Please email Sari at the Shrine office at if you…

Seminary Collection

This weekend’s second collection supports the formation and training of seminarians in the Archdiocese of Boston for service, we pray, as future priests. We are blessed that many are responding to the call to serve as priests. Please be generous and support these seminarians on their journey toward their ordination to the priesthood. For more…

Mass Intentions – June 4th to June 12th, 2022

Mass Intentions from June 4th to 12th, 2022 Saturday, June 4 4:00pm St Rita Sodality, Angela Blatti, Alfio & Rose Petralia (Anniversary), Fr. Patrick Armano ( Alive & well Birthday), George O. Ferguson, Bernard Porter (Special Intention), Paul Wieszeck (Special Intention), In Thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity Pentecost Sunday, June 5 9:00am Alfred & Rose…

From the Friars: Pentecost

From the Friars: Pentecost It’s harvest time! Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. Pentecost comes from a Greek word meaning fifty. The Jewish Festival of Pentecost (called Shavuot or “weeks” in Hebrew) fell on the fiftieth day (“a week of weeks”) after the Passover. Shavuot was the celebration of the early wheat harvest, which…

St. Anthony Novena Conclusion

The last evening of the Saint Anthony Novena will be Tuesday, June 7. A reception featuring light refreshments will be held in the Shrine center Immediately following the Mass. All are invited to attend. Anyone wishing to donate pastry for the reception should contact Connie Pickles at 978-682-1529. Pastry can be dropped off at the…