Category Archives: News

From the Friars: Patriotism Is a Virtue

From the Friars: Patriotism Is a Virtue It is the filial piety one holds in one’s heart toward one’s country, as a loyal son or daughter. The Latin word for “father” is pater, and the Latin word for “country” is patria, or the “fatherland.” The United States observes Patriot Day today (September 11th), in remembrance…

Annual Shrine Fair Raffle – Winners!

Winners List 1. $100 Value – George Forman – Linda Bolis 2. $150 Value – Tea for Two Basket – Tina Antonelli 3. $150 Value – Spa Day Basket -Maria Hernandez 4. $300 Value – Cooks Corner – Tyler Hussey 5. $ 85 Value – Dinner & Drinks Basket – Kate McCormack 6. $150 Value…

Mass Intentions – September 3rd to September 11th, 2022

Mass Intentions Saturday, September 3 9:00am Blessed Virgin Mary 4:00pm Jennie & Alfred Zampelli; Katherine Sciuto;Amy E. Giarrusso; Geusippina Polizzotti, 9th Anniv.; Elaine Pickles,16 anniversary; Lori Sousa; In thanksgiving to St Jude & All the Saints, FFR; In thanksgiving to Sacred Heart of Jesus, FFR; Mary Paolino, Anniversay; Frances SanAntonio; Angela Blatti; Millie Dome; Ida…

From the Friars: Calculating the Cost

From the Friars: Calculating the Cost Before I was a friar I worked in construction and sometimes I had to do cost estimating. It is a challenge to consider all the factors necessary to complete a project. This very week there are several contractors who are working on bids for the new friary/office building for…

Charismatic Renewal Service of Boston’s Fall Congress

On Saturday, September 10th, Charismatic Renewal Sevices will host their Fall Congress at St. Stephen’s Parish in Framingham, MA from 8am to 5pm. This year’s theme is “Power come forth from Him and He healed them all” and will feature keynote speakers Vincent Cerasuolo (English track) and Fr. Alejandro Marca Mansilla (Spanish/Portuguese track). Registration is…

The Three Saints

Let us all pray to Saints Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino for the conversion of our city, state, country and world. Let us ask their intercession especially for the many, many young people who have left the Church. These amazing young men suffered horrible torture and death rather than deny Jesus and worship the false gods…

I Forgive You

One Saturday night years ago I went out to a bar for a good time in Belmar, NJ. It was a place not unlike the one that sometimes keeps me up at night these days. This is God’s sense of humor. But this particular night I finally hit bottom after many years of living a…