Category Archives: News

Transitus of Saint Francis

All are invited to join us for the celebration the passing of St. Francis of Assisi from this world into Heaven at 7pm on Monday, October 3, 2022 at Holy Rosary Shrine. This traditional ceremony is not a Mass but a recalling of the life and death of our founder with drama, readings and songs.…

Indoor Rosary Rally

Saints Mary and Joseph Parish extends an invitation to all who want to join and gather together to pray the Rosary for our families, our community, and our country, on October 2nd, 2022 from 3pm to 5pm. A procession will begin at 3pm outside and will move inside the Church, followed by recitation of the…

Pray the Rosary at the Common

Come and join us as we pray the Rosary on Saturday, October 8 2022 at 11am at Campagnone Common Lawrence’s Historic Park across the street form the Lawrence Public Library, Intersection of Lowell St. and Lawrence St.. We will be praying for peace in our families, cities, nation and the whole world.

Emmaus Ministry Retreat for Grieving Parents

The Family Life team invites all parents who have lost a child of any age, by any cause, and no matter how long ago to attend the Emmaus Retreat for Grieving Parents. The retreat includes prayer, breakout sessions, an Emmaus Walk, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Reconciliation, and time for reflection. Sat., October 15, 2022…

Mass Intentions – September 24th to October 2nd, 2022

Mass Intentions Saturday, September 24 9:00am Blessed Virgin Mary 4:00pm Mario Giarrusso; Alfio & rose Petralia, Anniv.; Carmelina ‘Millie’ Frasca, MMM; Constance Girgenti & Dec’d Family; Dec’d Members of the Crescimano & Napolitano Families; Dec’d Members of the Campbell & Pickles Families; Richard ‘Dick’ Tatarunis Sunday, September 25 10:00am For all the family of the…

From the Friars: Woe to the Complacent

From the Friars: Woe to the Complacent So says the prophet Amos in the first reading today, and this is the gist of the message of Jesus in his parable about the rich man and Lazarus. One definition of complacent is “showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.” The rich man is…

Retiro de Intercesión y Liberación

El Grupo Carismático del Santuario del Santo Rosario ‘Luz de Cristo’ invita a toda la comunidad Hispana el sábado 1 de Octubre de 8am a 3pm al retiro de Intercesión y Liberación –Toma tu Camilla y anda- aquí en el Centro del Santuario con los predicadores Edwin Díaz y Padre Paco. Para más información llame…