Category Archives: News

People Look East

Beginning this Advent, we would like to begin a practice in the Mass that was the norm for many centuries and is still an option. I am referring to what is called celebrating Mass “Ad Orientem” or “to the East“. This describes, first of all, the ancient practice of building churches that face toward the…

From the Friars: Where are the Other Nine?

From the Friars: Where are the Other Nine? One of the first things that most mothers will teach their children is to say thank you. It is a fundamental act of justice to acknowledge a gift or favor from another and express gratitude. This is rooted in the life of God Himself where the Second…

Shrine Fair 2022 Wrap-up Meeting

There will be a Shrine Fair wrap-up meeting regarding the fair results on Monday, October 10 at 7:00pm in the Shrine Center. All fair workers are invited to attend. Thank-you. ~Wayne Pickles

St. Rita’s Sodality

A special thank-you to all who baked or gave donations for our St. Rita bakery table. We appreciated your help, and it was a great success. — Rosemary Branca, Vice-president

Our Lady of the Rosary

On October 7, 1571 a greatly outnumbered Christian fleet defeated the naval forces of the Ottoman Empire, effectively saving Christian Europe from imminent invasion by the Turkish Muslims. Prior to the battle, Pope St. Pius V, himself a Dominican friar, had called for all the faithful to pray the Rosary, asking Our Lady’s powerful intercession…

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Join us in celebrating the Feast Day of the Patroness of Our Shrine this Friday, October 7, 2022. There will be a multi-lingual Rosary at 6:30pm followed by the Holy Mass and then exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Mass Intentions – October 1st to October 9th, 2022

Mass Intentions Saturday, October 1 9:00am Blessed Virgin Mary 4:00pm St. Rita’s Sodality; Armando Iannalfo; Favors received to all the Saints; Grace Fiorante, 4th Anniv.; Sandra & Josie Pappalardo, Sunday, October 2 10:00am Virginia c. MacCarthy, 14th anniversary 12:00pm Spanish Mass – Hermanos Frias Cazares; Camelia Vargas Monday, October 3 12:05pm Priest’s Intentions Tuesday, October…