Category Archives: News

The Lower Church is in Use

We are now using the lower chapel for daily Mass, Adoration and Confessions. This is to save on the cost of heating the upper church, which we will continue to use for the Saturday evening, Sunday and funeral Masses. Please pray for the success of our efforts to make the lower chapel and other lower-level…

Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality

The members of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality are grateful to those of you who were able to donate socks and toiletries for the Daybreak Shelter. All of the items have been delivered. We thank you for your generosity in supporting this collection. God Bless You!

Reminder of CORI 2023

A reminder for all the lectors, choir members, counters or any other volunteers who will be in contact with the youth and the elderly at the Shrine: Please complete a Cori Form for the year 2023. The forms are at the entrance doors by Union street . Thank you!

Office Closed

The Holy Rosary Shrine Office will be closed on Friday, November 11th, 2022 in observance of Veterans Day. Mass will be at usual time.

Mass Intentions – November 5th to November 13th, 2022

Mass Intentions Saturday, November 5 9:00am Blessed Virgin Mary 10:00am Extraordinary Form of Mass in Latin 4:00pm St. Rita Sodality; Deceased Harvey, Masoud, Bastianelli & Sacchetti Families; Henry & Richard Saracusa & Family; Bill Giarrusso; Amy Giarrusso; Jim & Louise Musumeci; Maria Rinella, MMM; Adeline Pappalardo, MMM; Nicolina A. Catalano; George Howshan Sunday, November 6…

From the Friars: Faithful Unto Death

From the Friars: Faithful Unto Death Today in the first reading we hear the story of the heroic seven brothers and their mother who all died as martyrs rather than violate the Law of God. This happened during the reign of the Antiochus IV Epiphanes, a Greek king who ruled over Israel in the second…

Election Day

The following is a quote from The U.S. Bishop’s Reflection on Catholic Teaching and Political Life: 17. The Church equips its members to address political and social questions by helping them to develop a well-formed conscience. Catholics have a serious and lifelong obligation to form their consciences in accord with human reason and the teaching…

Change of Shrine Office Hours

Beginning on December 2nd, 2022 the Shrine Office will be closed on Fridays. This will help the friars to maintain their prayer day on Fridays, which is required by their Rule of Life, and for administrative work to be done without interruption. The Office will be open Mondays through Thursdays from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Thank…