Mass Intentions for the Week of October 19th to October 27th
Mass intentions for the coming week.
Mass intentions for the coming week.
Are you – or someone you know – suffering from post-abortion pain? The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends a special invitation to women experiencing regret from a past abortion to attend a Come to the Waters of Healing one-day retreat on Saturday, November 16th, from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Locations are confidential.…
Council meeting.
50th Anniversary Meeting.
Discuss the Theology of the Body.
Please pray for Archbishop Richard G. Henning, the new Archbishop of Boston.
There is no Homeschooling Co-Op this Wednesday, October 16th.
Young people from ages 8-18 are welcome.
Church and Evolution.
The Lazarus Center for Healing Shrine’s Healing Service.