Category Archives: News

From the Friars: O Come, O Come Emmanuel!

From the Friars: O Come, O Come Emmanuel! In his Gospel, St. Matthew is careful to show how the birth and life of Jesus fulfill the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. In the reading for today he quotes the famous prophesy of Isaiah 7:14, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and…

Holiday Lottery Calendars

The St. Rita Sodality will be sponsoring a Holiday Lottery Calendar. There are 32 changes to win for a total of $1,175 in prizes! The Calendars are $10 and can be purchased before and after all the Masses on December 17th and 18th. All prizes and winners will be notified after January 14th, 2023.

Lessons and Carols

On Sunday December 18 at 2:00pm, we will be celebrating a Festival of Lessons and Carols here at Holy Rosary Shrine. This is an inspirational service of Scripture and song dating back to the 19th century. Please plan on joining us for what will hopefully become an Advent tradition at our Shrine. Everyone is welcome!

Thank you BVMS!

The ladies of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality wish to thank everyone who made our Fall Basket Raffle so successful! We greatly appreciate the generous donations, the ticket sellers and all of you who bought tickets. The Fall Wreath with scratch tickets was won by Joyce Tomasselli. The Happy Fall Basket was won by Anibal…

Nativity Play 2022

On Wednesday, December 28th, Come for this edifying and entertaining dramatic presentation of the events surrounding the birth of Our Savior. It will be bilingual and is for all ages. More information to come. (6:30pm – 8:30pm, Shrine Center).

Christmas Raffle Basket

The Holy Name Society will be raffling a HUGE Christmas basket which is loaded with several gift cards, Christmas goodies, and functional items. The cost for the raffle tickets is: One Ticket: $2.00 Three tickets: $5.00 Eight Tickets: $10.00. Tickets will be sold at all Masses on Saturday and Sunday, December 3rd and 4th, Thursday,…

Mass Intentions – December 10th to December 18th, 2022

Mass Intentions Saturday, December 10 Our Lady of Loreto 9:00am Priest’s Intentions 4:00pm Holy Name Society; BVM Sodality;Phil, Jr. Dom, Phil, Sr. & Gen Gangi; Daniel “Dany” Pierro; Jennie Autiello;Ted Hudzik & Dec’d Family; William & Mary Miller & Dec’d Family; Eugene & Margaret Wawszkiewicz Sunday, December 11 3rd Sunday of Advent 10:00am Nicholas &…

Mass Stipends

People often ask how much does it cost to have a Mass offered for a certain intention. At Corpus Christi Parish they were told $5.00, but awhile back the bishops of the Boston Province decreed that the stipend should be $10.00. Fr. Mawn never made any change but we recently started informing people of this…

Serenade in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe There will be songs, multi-lingual Rosary, Aztec dance group, procession, and Holy Mass followed by a reception in the Shrine Center. Please see the posters and flyers for more information. The event is mainly in Spanish but all are welcome. Sunday, December 11th, from 5:00pm to 9:30pm, Mass at…