Category Archives: News

Mass Intentions – February 18th to February 26th, 2023

Mass Intentions Saturday, February 18 9:00am Novus Ordo Mass: Priest’s Intentions* 4:00pm Bertha Young, Charles Dame and Dec’d Hodgdon Family; Arthur Joaquin; Angelina & Pauline Abate; In Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sunday, February 19 10:00am Maria Padykula; Dominic Napolitano, Anniv. 12:00pm Spanish Mass: Hermanos Frias Cazares Monday, February 20 12:05pm Priest’s Intentions*…

Ash Wednesday 2023 Masses

There will be a 12:05pm Mass in English and 7:00pm Mass in Spanish on Ash Wednesday. Please join us as we begin this sacred time by participating in the Holy Sacrifice of Our Lord made present on the altar. There is no distribution of ashes outside of Mass except for those who bring them to…

Lent Calendar

Lent Calendar and Events Weekday Mass (Lower Church) Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Friday 12:05pm English Thursday 7:00pm Spanish Saturday 9:00am Latin Novus Ordo Eucharistic Adoration (Lower Church) Friday 10:00am – 3:00pm except during Mass Confession Thursday 6:00pm – 6:45pm, Lower Church Friday 10:00am – 3:00pm except during Mass, Lower Church Saturday 10:00am – 3:45pm, Upper Church…

From the Friars: Sister Death

From the Friars: Sister Death Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. We begin Lent with a reminder of the reality of death and the fact that our bodies will decompose, if they are not reduced to ashes by cremation. When God created the first man, He formed his body from…

New Form for Volunteers

The Archdiocese of Boston requires that all Volunteers complete a new Volunteer Application Form for the year 2023. Please come to the Shrine office to fill out the form as soon as possible. Thank you for your service to the Shrine Community.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Franciscan Youth Group Retreat

From Monday, February 20th to Thursday, February 23rd from 9:00am to 4:00pm at Holy Rosary Shrine Center. The theme for our retreat will be Lent. There will be prayer, games, crafts, catechesis and Mass. Young people from ages 8-18 are welcome. Those under 8 need to be accompanied by an adult at all times. Youth…

Article – Hearing God Speak

One of the great benefits of attending daily Mass is to hear the scriptural readings for the day. God is always speaking to us in various ways but the passages from the Bible that are read at the Holy Mass have a privileged place for that particular day. It is as if The Lord is…

Use of Shrine Facilities

We are asking that any group that would like to use the Shrine Center, or other facility, to please fill out a request form in the office. The form gives an explanation of the requirements to use the hall, including the responsibility to clean up and put things back as they were after the event.…