Category Archives: News

Mass Intentions – May 13th to May 21st, 2023

Mass Intentions Saturday, May 13 9:00am Novus Ordo Latin Mass: Priest’s Intentions 4:00pm BVM Sodality; Holy Name Society; Daniel Pierro; Thomas Ninahan; Alfio & Grace Fichera, Remembrance; Gaetano & Nella Lardizzone, Remembrance;  Thank you to St. Anthony for favor received; Sunday, May 14 6th Sunday of Easter 10:00am Julia Klisiewicz & Zofia Pelczar, In Memory;…

From the Friars: The Marvel of Motherhood

Dear Shrine Community, Happy Mother’s Day! During the entire month of May we venerate Our Blessed Mother and the essential role She plays in bringing us Yeshua—the Aramaic version of the name for Joshua in Hebrew; the roots from which comes the Holy Name of ‘Jesus’, which means “God saves!”. The middle name of Jesus…

Our Lady of Fatima Candlelight Procession

Please join us on Sunday, May 14th at 8:00pm for an outdoor procession in honor of Our Lady of Fatima led by the Portuguese Community. At Fatima, Our Blessed Mother appeared as Our Lady of the Rosary so it is very appropriate that we honor her, and her Divine Son, here at Holy Rosary Shrine.

Curso Bíblico

Todos estan invitados a participar en un curso bíblico que comienza el martes 16 de mayo a las 7:00pm en el Centro del Santuario. Las clases seguirán cada martes después. Por favor contactar Maxi al 978-489-9055

Spanish Community Meeting

There will be an open meeting for the Shrine Hispanic community on Monday, May 22 at 7:00pm at the Shrine Center. All are invited to come and discuss how we can better build up God’s Kingdom here at HRS. We hope to stream the meeting live also for those who are not able to attend.…

Article – Grumpy G

Article – Grumpy G The brothers and priests in my community will tell you that I can be difficult to live with. I tend to get irritable and impatient, especially if I am tired or hungry. A nearby restaurant, that we walk by almost every day, is called “Grumpy G.” Since my last name begins…

BVM Morning Reflection

The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality will be presenting a “Morning of Reflection” with Rev. Andrew Beauregard, FPO, on Saturday, May 13, 2023 for the feast day of Our Lady of Fatima, from 9:00am to 12:00pm The morning will begin with the 9:00am Mass celebrated in the lower church. This will be followed by a light…

Evening of Healing

Lazarus Center of Healing Shrine in Wakefield invites people of all faiths who are in need of healing from any type of illness, depression or addiction etc.. to a healing service on Wednesday, May 10th at 6:00pm. The service begins with Adoration, Rosary and Confession followed by Holy Mass with the Sacrament of the Sick.…

Mass in Honor of the Three Saints

Please join us for a Holy Mass in honor of Saints Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino on Wednesday, May 10th at 6:30pm in the Upper Church. This is the date of the actual martyrdom of the three brothers.