Category Archives: News

St. Anthony Novena “Thank you”

Thank-you to all who attended the St. Anthony Novena and the reception that followed. A special thank you to all who so generously donated pastry. We are grateful that so many thoughtful attendees brought much needed mouth-watering goodies. Everything was delicious and very much appreciated. Everyone’s participation in this beautiful devotion helped to make the…

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul Mass

There will be a 12:05pm Mass on Thursday, June 29th, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul in the upper Church. This is not a Holy Day of Obligation but we wanted to offer an English Mass for anyone interested, which hopefully will be many. The Spanish Mass will be at 7:00pm as usual.  

Jewelry Needed

The Shrine Fair Committee needs jewelry donations for our upcoming Shrine Fair to be held on September 1, 2 and 3. We will appreciate any jewelry donations, so please ask family and friends if they have any jewelry they would like to donate. Donations can be dropped off at the Shrine Center at 34 Common…

Volunteers are needed for our Annual Holy Rosary Shrine

September 1st, 2nd,3rd. We are specially in need of volunteers this Summer on Monday evenings from July 17th to August 21st from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the Shrine Center to help us collect, sort through, and creatively display the merchandise and donations given to us. Please be generous with your time. Thank you to all…

Wish List: Stations of the Cross

We have a price from a plaster restoration company in New Hampshire to repair and paint the Stations of the Cross in the lower church. The overall cost is $27,300.00. That works out to about $2,000/station. We are hoping that 14 benefactors will each sponsor a station. If you would like to do so, please…

Article – Two Million Children

Article – Two Million Children On July 4th the long-awaited film “Sound of Freedom” will be released. It is based on the true story of a U.S. Homeland Security agent who quit his job in order to dedicate himself to rescuing children from sex traffickers. I have not seen the movie or been able to…

Mass Intentions – June 24th to July 2nd, 2023

Mass Intentions Saturday, June 24 9:00am Novus Ordo Latin Mass: Manuel Garcia Machado, In Memory; 4:00pm MMM for Freida R, Makarewicz and Carmela Cultrera, Requested by St. Rita Sodality; Salvatore Pennisi, in Memory; Rosario “Ray” Fichera, 13th Anniversary Remem.; In Thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, FFR; Sunday, June 25 12th Sunday in Ordinary…

From the Friars: Mary – Theotokos

From the Friars: Mary – Theotokos “Mary is the Mother of Jesus, but she’s not the Mother of God” my Protestant friend pontificated to me some years ago. I curtly replied, “You sound like Nestorius.” “Nest story who?” He asked. Nestorius was the Patriarch of Constantinople, who in 429 preached that Jesus Christ was a…

Happy Father’s Day!

Holy Rosary Shrine wishes all fathers in our Community a Blessed Father’s Day! “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” -Psalm 103:13

Mass Intentions – June 17th to June 25th, 2023

Mass Intentions Saturday, June 17 9:00am Novus Ordo Latin Mass: Priest’s Intentions 4:00pm Donald Perry, 10th Year Remembrance; Manuel Silva, MMM; Rose DiStefano, 7th Year Anniversary Remem; Sunday, June 18 Father’s Day 10:00am Wladyslawa Mroczko; 12:00pm Spanish Mass: Hermanos Frias Cazares; Elian Guerrero;  Segundo Dávila; Miembros fallecidos de la Familia Dávila López Monday, June 19…