Category Archives: News

Italian Festival

Holy Name Society is sponsoring an Italian Festival for its Third Gathering on Sunday, October 1st, 2023, at I:00pm. Lenzi’s in Dracut, MA, Rt. 110 will host the festival. The delicious food buffet will offer Caesar Salad, Tossed Garden Salad, Assorted Breads and Butter, Garlic Bread, Baked Three Cheese Lasagna with meat sauce, Chicken Piccata,…

Welcome to Bishop Hennessy

A warm welcome to His Excellency Bishop Robert Hennessy, Bishop of the Merrimack Region. He will be offering the 10:00am Mass this Sunday and administering the Sacrament of Confirmation to several members of the shrine community. We are very grateful for his generosity and support.

Walking with the Saints

Who doesn’t love a good saint story? Join us every other week for “Walking with the Saints” – a video series where priests and religious from around the Archdiocese of Boston share about a saint they’ve come to know. Watch now on the Evangelize YouTube Channel –

Confirmation Candidates

On Sunday, August 6th, 2023 at 10:00am there will be a Confirmation Mass for the following candidates: Joseph Pineda Bianca Pineda Roxana Pineda Sergio Pineda Genesis Fernandez Hilda Gómez Thalia Núñez Rosa Falette Gianni Giuffrida Jerik Urena Helen Severius Cesilia Rodríguez. May God, our Lord, make them an instrument of his Love as they will…

Mass Intentions – August 5th to August 13th, 2023

Mass Intentions Saturday, August 5 9:00am Novus Ordo Latin Mass: Priest’s Intentions 4:00pm St. Rita Sodality. John Dadducci, 24th Anniversary. Manuel Silva. John Daveta, MMM. Eugene & Margaret Wawszkiewicz. Mary Balsamo, MMM, Requested by St. Rita Sodality Roger & Ann Gallant, Memorial Saint Rita, For Favor Received Sunday, August 6 The Transfiguration of the Lord…

From the Friars: Listen to Him

From the Friars: Listen to Him There is a very important prophecy in Deuteronomy where Moses says: “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, … him you shall heed.” (Dt 18:15) Hence the Jewish people were expecting a prophet like Moses to appear. When the Jews…

Mount Washington Campout and Hike

Holy Rosary Shrine Young Adult Group, (Society of Sinners) is having a campout and hike to Mount Washington on Friday and Saturday, August 11-12 with Fr. Andrew. Bring your own camping equipment, limited to 12 spots. Cost is $15.00 per person. Please sign-up ASAP! For more details email or call at 978-590-1877. We hope…

Weekly Adoration

The Carmelite Nuns of Boston invite you to join them for weekly Eucharistic Adoration, every Saturday from 10:30 to 11:30am in the Carmelite Monastery Chapel, 61 Mount Pleasant Ave., Boston, MA 02119. Call for information at 617-442-1411 or visit

Funerals – June 2023

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon Vito A. Roscigno. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.