Category Archives: News

Transitus of St. Francis

All are invited to join us for the celebration of the passing of St. Francis of Assisi from this world into Heaven at 7:00pm on Tuesday, October 3, 2022 at Holy Rosary Shrine. This traditional ceremony is not a Mass but a recalling of the life and death of our founder with drama, readings and…

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Please join us in celebrating the Feast Day of the Patroness of Our Shrine on Saturday, October 7th. There will be exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following the 9:00am Mass with recitation of a multi-Lingual Rosary.

Healing Services at Lazarus Center

The Lazarus Center for Healing Shrine is offering Healing Services on October 6th at 2:00pm and October 18th at 6:00pm. The services begin with adoration and the Rosary. Confession will be available. The celebration of Holy Mass will follow. After, the Sacrament of the Sick will be administered and there will be time for personal…

Adult Catechesis

Holy Rosary Shrine will begin Adult Education classes in both English and Spanish starting October 1st. The English classes will meet on Sunday mornings at 8:30am, the Spanish classes at 1:30pm in the afternoon. All classes will meet in the Shrine Center on Sundays, unless otherwise noted. For more information email

Many Thanks from the St Rita Sodality!

The St. Rita Sodality thanks you for your generous response of providing pastry and donation for the Bakery Sale at the Holy Rosary Shrine Fair. We also appreciate and thank the ladies who volunteered to sell the baked goods and the people who patronized our endeavors! ~St Rita Sodality

Shrine Fair Wrap-Up Meeting

There will be a shrine fair wrap-up meeting on Monday, September 25 at 7:00pm in the Shrine Center. All shrine workers are invited and encouraged to attend and share any advice or suggestions regarding the fair. I will review each table’s sales and all the money collected and deposited. Hope to see you all there,…

From the Friars: Learning About the Mass

From the Friars: Learning About the Mass Regular Mass-goers at Holy Rosary Shrine have likely noticed that our English choir sings the proper antiphons at the entrance, offertory and communion. They are called proper because they are specifically chosen for each Mass, like the Scripture readings which are proper for each Mass. These antiphons, along…

Article – Altar Servers

Article – Altar Servers I have been asked recently about having girls serve at Mass. Since the shrine began we have not had a direct request for this, but we have been encouraging boys and young men to serve. The practice of female servers is allowed and Pope Francis recently even granted that women could…

Mass Intentions – September 23rd to October 1st, 2023

Mass Intentions SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 St Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest 9:00am – Novus Ordo Latin Mass: Priest Intentions 4:00pm – Vigil Mass. Carmela Cultrera. Henry, Betty & Michael Bruno & Deceased Family. Nick & Margaret Nicolosi & Deceased Family. In Thanksgiving to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal; Alfio & Rose Petralia & Deceased Family…

Volunteer Needed

If anyone is interested in volunteering a few hours a day to help answer the phone and the door in the Shrine Center, please contact the office at 978-687-9047. The days needed for help are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 1pm and 1pm to 4pm. Thank you for your time and cooperation.