From the Friars: First Things First
The Theory of Everything.
The Theory of Everything.
Serve the poor as centers of evangelization.
Order and prioritize your life well, and you will not suffer any lack.
From the Friars: The Apostle of California On September 23, 2015 I had the honor of concelebrating Mass with Pope Francis for the canonization of Junípero Serra in Washington, D.C. A week later his statue in Monterey, California was decapitated. This was the beginning of many desecrations and removals of images of the saint. He…
Thanksgiving from our Choir Director.
Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
It is good to love one’s country, but ultimate loyalty is due only to Christ and his kingdom.
Shame is…swallowed up by love, dissolved in it.
Christ gave more to God than was required to compensate for the offense of the whole human race.
The cup of salvation is raised up at every Holy Mass.