Category Archives: From the Friars

From the Friars: One Hundred Years

From the Friars: One Hundred Years Welcome everyone to Holy Rosary Shrine as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Feast of the Three Saints here in Lawrence. We hope that this event will be a joyful time of growing closer to God for all. In 249 AD the Roman Emperor Decius issued an edict that…

From the Friars: True Service of God

From the Friars: True Service of God America is arguably the greatest country in the world! But just as every kingdom rises and falls, one pitfall of American culture is the misconception that a successful career can somehow replace healthy relationships. Case in point, the United States is home to some of the finest technological…

From the Friars: Of Dogs and Children

From the Friars: Of Dogs and Children The readings for Mass today have a common theme of God’s plan of choosing one people as a first step towards a universal Kingdom. The Canaanites were the ancient enemies of Israel and it is a Canaanite woman that cries out to Jesus for help in the Gospel…

From the Friars: Listen to Him

From the Friars: Listen to Him There is a very important prophecy in Deuteronomy where Moses says: “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, … him you shall heed.” (Dt 18:15) Hence the Jewish people were expecting a prophet like Moses to appear. When the Jews…

Article – A Humble Priest

Article A Humble Priest At my father’s wake in 2001, my uncle told me a story about how when he was a kid he had a sickness, a nervous disorder I believe, that the doctors were unable to cure. My grandmother, a devout Catholic, took him straight from the doctor’s office to the Capuchin monastery…

From the Friars: Lost and Found

From the Friars: Lost and Found This Saturday, the Roman Calendar offers an optional memorial to be celebrated in honor of the dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major, the largest Marian Church in Rome, Italy. Formerly known as St. Mary of the Crib because it houses the relic of the original manger of…

Article – Consequences of Artificial Methods

Humanae Vitae #17 : Observing the Natural Law *** July 25th is the 55th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae. *** Selections from this important Encyclical of St. Paul VI. Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the consequences…

From the Friars: Pulling Weeds

From the Friars: Pulling Weeds Those opposed to the Church for whatever reason often bring up different scandals, real or perceived, that have occurred over the centuries. The standard list includes the crusades or other wars of religion, the Galileo incident, immoral popes, the inquisition, and most recently, clergy sexual abuse. The point here is…