Category Archives: From the Friars

From the Friars: Our Lady of the Rosary

From the Friars: Our Lady of the Rosary Next Saturday, which is also the first Saturday of the month, we celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. The history of the feast is rooted in the victory of the Christian forces at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. More recently, Our Blessed Mother…

From the Friars: Learning About the Mass

From the Friars: Learning About the Mass Regular Mass-goers at Holy Rosary Shrine have likely noticed that our English choir sings the proper antiphons at the entrance, offertory and communion. They are called proper because they are specifically chosen for each Mass, like the Scripture readings which are proper for each Mass. These antiphons, along…

Article – Altar Servers

Article – Altar Servers I have been asked recently about having girls serve at Mass. Since the shrine began we have not had a direct request for this, but we have been encouraging boys and young men to serve. The practice of female servers is allowed and Pope Francis recently even granted that women could…

Article – Do This in Memory of Me

Article – Do This in Memory of Me When I was in eighth grade, we had Mass once a week at my Catholic school. The nuns that taught us brought us together one day and asked us about our experience of the Mass. The collective response, myself included, was that the it was boring, the…

From the Friars: Debtors to God and Man

From the Friars: Debtors to God and Man In today’s Gospel from Matthew (18:21-35) we have the familiar parable of the servant who owes a “huge amount” of money to his king. Because he cannot pay, the king forgives him. Later, we find that the very same servant who was forgiven his debt throws into…

Article – The Sacrifice of Mary

… And so it was during Christ’s public life too (cf. Mk. 3:21-35) that day by day there was fulfilled in her the blessing uttered by Elizabeth at the Visitation: “Blessed is she who believed.” 18. This blessing reaches its full meaning when Mary stands beneath the Cross of her Son (cf. Jn. 19:25). The…

From the Friars: Warning the Wicked

From the Friars: Warning the Wicked There was a doctor of Sacred Theology of the Order of Preachers who went to visit Saint Francis of Assisi. The learned Dominican questioned the holy man about the meaning of the passage from Ezechiel 33 that is the first reading for today’s Mass. St. Francis replied that he…