From the Friars: Could You Not Watch With Me One Hour?
Can you spare an hour for the One Who gave His life for His friends?
Can you spare an hour for the One Who gave His life for His friends?
This Wednesday we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Joseph.
Things to give up and things to do during Lent.
It is especially crucial so that we remain vigilant in maintaining all the necessary safeguards to protect children.
Why does a good and all-powerful God allow such bad things to happen to His children?
The daily Rosary should be standard for every Catholic and every Catholic family.
Christ is always present in His Church, especially in her liturgical celebrations.
And holy Simeon takes the Child into his arms and says He will be “a light for revelation to the Gentiles.”
The life and teaching of St Thomas Aquinas.
Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.