Franciscans of the Poor Christ Anniversary
30th Anniversary Celebration.
30th Anniversary Celebration.
The Baptism of Jesus is the inauguration of the Son of God as the Suffering Servant.
As pilgrims of faith, the Wise Men themselves became stars shining in the firmament of history.
The Wise Men sought their Creator in humility and faith.
At last God in mine and I am his! … I have received him!
God is one Divine Person who took to Himself a human nature. Jesus is God. Mary gave birth to Jesus. Therefore, Mary is the Mother of God.
St. Francis of Assisi was inspired to recreate the birth of Our Lord as closely as he could.
Let us joyfully join the song of the holy angels, Glory to God in the Highest!
Happiness is why today, the Third Sunday of Advent, is called Gaudete Sunday.
We are always in the crossing of their arms.