Category Archives: Being Catholic

Important Event in Boston

The Archdiocese of Boston has asked all the Shrines to be part the Church’s response to the upcoming satanic conference in Boston from April 28 through the 30th. Holy Rosary Shrine will have Eucharistic Adoration beginning on Friday morning at 10:00am as usual but then continuing until a closing benediction at 9:00am on Sunday morning.…

Easter Flowers 2023

Holy Rosary Shrine is so grateful for many donors who supported the Easter Flowers for the altar in Memory/Honor of your family and friends, living and deceased. Together, we pray for them! Alfio & Grace Fichera, Gaetano & Nella Lardizzone; Alfio & Rose Petralia, Sebastian Cultera; Alfonsina Camasso, John Poilucci, John & Sheila McCartney, Daniel,…

Saint Anthony Novena

The annual Novena to Saint Anthony of Padua/Lisbon will begin on Tuesday, April 18th and continue for nine consecutive Tuesdays until the final closing Mass on his Feast Day, June 13th. The Novena will begin at 7:00pm. There will be Mass on the first and last nights, i.e. April 18th and June 13th. The other…

Retiro Matrimonial 2023

Retiro Matrimonial Marzo 2023 Muchas gracias por su participación! Tema 1 – Autoconocimiento Presentación en Microsoft PowerPoint. Por Alejandra y César. Tema 2 – Que es el amor Presentación en Microsoft PowerPoint. Por Fanny y Franklyn. Tema 3 – Plática sobre Comunicación. Fotografías. Por Altagracia y Rafael.                …

Baptisms – January 2023:

May God the almighty Father, who filled the world with joy by giving us his Son, bless these newly-baptized children: Brinnet Alexandra Perez Makiel Montilla Yankiel Montilla Emilio Miguel Medeiros Hailey Colleen Fanelli May they grow to be more fully like Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Charismatic Renewal Service of Boston’s Fall Congress

On Saturday, September 10th, Charismatic Renewal Sevices will host their Fall Congress at St. Stephen’s Parish in Framingham, MA from 8am to 5pm. This year’s theme is “Power come forth from Him and He healed them all” and will feature keynote speakers Vincent Cerasuolo (English track) and Fr. Alejandro Marca Mansilla (Spanish/Portuguese track). Registration is…

The Three Saints

Let us all pray to Saints Alfio, Filadelfo and Cirino for the conversion of our city, state, country and world. Let us ask their intercession especially for the many, many young people who have left the Church. These amazing young men suffered horrible torture and death rather than deny Jesus and worship the false gods…

I Forgive You

One Saturday night years ago I went out to a bar for a good time in Belmar, NJ. It was a place not unlike the one that sometimes keeps me up at night these days. This is God’s sense of humor. But this particular night I finally hit bottom after many years of living a…

Rosary Miracles

In 1988 I was in the Navy and my Seabee Battalion was deployed to Guam, an island in the far western Pacific Ocean. We did a training exercise where we had to fly to a small island called Tinian and participate in war games with other branches of the military. One day a group of…

Homebound Members of the Shrine Community

There are many elderly people who are former parishioners of Corpus Christi Parish and now members of our shrine community who are not able to attend Mass or other activities. We would especially like to let them know that we are thinking of them and praying for them. In our later years we experience more…